Di suatu desa, hiduplah seorang petani yang sudah tua. Ia sangat miskin dan hidup seorang diri. Pakaiannya penuh dengan tambalan dan rumahnya terbuat dari gubuk kayu.
In a village, there lived an old farmer. He was very poor and lived alone. His clothes were full of patches and his house was made of wooden hut.
Ketika musim dingin pun tiba, petani tidak punya makanan dan kayu bakar untuk menghangatkan diri. Lalu ia pun pergi mencari kayu di hutan. Saat dalam perjalanan, dia melihat sebutir telur tergeletak di atas tanah. Ia mengangkat telur itu dengan hati-hati dan membawanya pulang.
When the winter came, the farmer had no food and firewood to keep him warm. Then he went to look for wood in the forest. While on his way, he saw an egg lying on the ground. He picked up the egg carefully and brought it home.
Petani membuat telur itu terus hangat sampai telur itu menetas. Ternyata telur itu adalah telur burung camar. Petani merawat burung camar tersebut dengan penuh kasih sayang hingga suatu saat petani tersebut harus melepaskannya kembali ke alam bebas.
The farmer kept the egg warm until it hatched. It turned out that the egg was a seagull egg. The farmer took care of the seagull with great af ection until the day the farmer had to let it go to the wild.
Suatu hari, petani jatuh sakit. Dia tidak punya uang untuk membeli obat dan makanan. Tiba-tiba terdengar suara ketukan dari jendela rumah petani. Ternyata burung camar itu kembali dan membawa benih tanaman di paruhnya. Lalu petani mengambilnya dan menanam benih tersebut di halaman.
One day, the farmer got sick. He had no money to buy medicine and food. Suddenly, there was a knock on the window of the farmer’s house. Apparently the seagull came back and carried the plant seeds in its beak. Then the farmer took the seed and planted it in the yard.
Keesokan harinya, keajaiban terjadi. Benih yang ditanamnya tumbuh menjadi pohon dengan buah yang lebat hanya dalam semalam. Petani sangat terkejut melihatnya. Lalu petani memakan buah dari pohon itu. Ajaibnya, seketika tubuhnya menjadi kuat dan sehat.
The next day, a miracle happened. The seeds he planted grew into a fruitful tree overnight. The farmer was very surprised to see it. Then, the farmer ate the fruit from the tree. Miraculously, immediately his body became strong and healthy
Petani tersebut merawat pohon itu dengan baik, sehingga pohon itu terus berbuah lebat. Ia pun menjual buahnya ke pasar dan mendapatkan banyak uang. Sekarang petani tidak lagi kelaparan.
The farmer took good care of the tree, so the tree continued to bear fruit. He sold the fruit to the market and made a lot of money. Now the farmer
was no longer hungry.